Wandering with Words

Random musings of a reckless soul.

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Life doesn’t rhyme.


Be kind, for everyone is fighting their battle too.

A phrase so simple and poignant.

Everyone has their own story. Everyone has their own struggles. Everyone has made mistakes and everyone has been brought down by life sometime or the other. Everyone has their demons. And dreams.

I once read somewhere that, “If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.”

Then why do we struggle with our insecurities? Perhaps because we always compare our behind-the-scenes with everybody else’s highlight reel. Steve Furtick said that.

Did you ever wonder that maybe the little boy in the park is actually worried about his test result?

-Or maybe the teacher who inspires you every day has been fighting loneliness every single day.

-Or the pretty lady at work constantly struggles with acne?

-Or that the woman on the bus is fighting an eating disorder, and the man next to her just lost his fiancee?

So yea, everybody has their own problems-no matter how big or small. Life is all about how you deal with it. Experience can make one bitter or better.

For those who get bitter with time, life is a bitch. But for those who get better, life is a beauty.

If you’re having a shitty day, chances are someone else is too. No need to compound it.
Be kind.

So I watch what I think. I watch what I say. And I watch how I treat other people. We all should. 🙂


Madness… is like gravity.

image ***The drivel that follows was born when I was on the brink of slumber (Hypnagogia? :P) last night. I have debated much with myself whether to post this stuff because it’s against my blogging rules but then a friend always keeps saying, “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!“***


The doorbell rang. Jasmine looked at the door with a frown. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Pausing the movie where Woody and Buzz tried to escape, she walked to the door. Just as she unlocked the door, somebody pushed it open and she was thrown inside her own house.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are tonight’s entertainment!”

The man who walked in had a pale skin, ruby red lips and … a red sponge for a nose. Clown’s makeup. And a Glasgow smile.

“Oh. Hi.” he said.

“What do you want?” Jasmine asked recognizing the man.

His Glasgow smile faded, somewhat.

“Why… so… serious?”

The Joker walked into the living room and turned off the television. Jasmine reached for her phone but he was quicker.

“How about a magic trick? I’m gonna make this phone disappear.”

He dropped the phone to the floor and kicked it with his leg so that it slid under the sofa. “Ta-daa! It’s… it’s gone!”

Jasmine rolled her eyes. She sat on the sofa and looked at him with a smile.

“I know who you are. But you, you do not know who I am, do you? If my Batman finds out that you were here… and you harm me even a bit, oh boy, you’re dead!”

The Joker seemed amused.

“I don’t want to harm you! What would I do without you? No, no, NO! No. You… you… complete me.”

“Then what’s your plan?” Jasmine asked.

“Do I look like a guy with a plan?” he said.

He giggled. “You know, I may look like a  monster, but I’m not. I’m just… you know… ahead of the curve.”

Jasmine stood up, agitated. She walked up to him and picked up the knife from the fruit bowl and pointed it at him.

“Then what is it that you want?” she asked.

“Well, you look nervous. Is it the scars? You want to know how I got ‘em? Come here.”

He grabbed her wrist which made her drop the knife and twisted her hand behind her back.

“You see, I had a wife. Beautiful, like you. Full of life. Always smiling. Speaking of whom… I think you and me, you know, we are meant to be!”

Jasmine tried to push him away.

“Hmm… a little fight in you. I like that!” he said and laughed.

Jasmine smiled wryly, relaxed her body and said, “Well then you are gonna like me even more!”

She kicked his shins and tangled her leg with his and performed a sweep that tripped him onto the sofa. Laughing, she sat on his legs disallowing him from moving.

The Joker chuckled too. “This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptible, aren’t you? Huh?”

“Well, I like you, but I will also have to kill you.” said Jasmine.

The Joker sighed.

“But you won’t kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.” he said.

Jasmine laughed and said, “Haha. You know, I think you are right. If you’re ever lucky enough to find a girl who is a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind, you should hold onto that. Because she’ll be yours at two in the morning and at two in the afternoon the following day. She’ll kiss you where it hurts and until it hurts. And that’s important. She will love you even when you are Batman and even when you are the Scarecrow. She is worth a little something…and a little more than usual.”

With that Jasmine leaned in to kiss the Joker and reveal her husband -her Batman- behind all that make up.

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What teachers make?

Taylor Mali is perhaps best known for his poem “What Teachers Make“. The following poem is perhaps one of the best poems in praise and respect of teachers – the unsung heroes of the education system. It has successfully motivated many teachers, including me, to love what we do, and to do it better, everyday. It is said that the poem was born out of an actual dinner conversation Mali had.

The following illustration by Zen Pencils is my personal favourite as it combines my love for comics and poetry.
2013-07-23-teachersNEWThere are many reasons why I love teaching – Because :

1) I get to share my passion for reading, writing and learning.

2) My students constantly surprise me.

3) I get to see the world from so many different perspectives.

4) I get to learn new things.

5) I touch lives.

And even though I have a big problem with the current education system, I enjoy being a teacher for the love it brings me everyday.

A week ago, a group of students whom I had taught around two years ago called me up and invited me to their farewell party. I had already made some other plans for the day so I politely declined. My phone had no rest that day as there was an influx of calls. I eventually cancelled my other plans and decided to go to the party. And that was a wise decision.

The girls looked oh-so-pretty and the boys, suave. And I felt old. And blessed. And like a celebrity – because they all wanted to click a pic (mostly selfies) with me! 😀

And even though it was not a farewell for me, I was given presents. This brought tears to my eyes.

farewell Class X Mps (1) farewell Class X Mps (3) farewell Class X Mps (4) farewell Class X Mps (6) farewell Class X Mps (7) farewell Class X Mps (8)

So yeah, I love teaching because it is indeed the most satisfying job in the world. 🙂